Indian Snacks 印度休閒點心

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South Mixture Haldiram's 南印度綜合豆子休閒點心 150 gm


成        份:米粉 (30%) , 棕櫚油 ,  雞豆粉 (15%) , 米片(12%) , 花生(5%) , 黑豆粉 ,  碘鹽 (鹽 , 碘化鉀) , 紅辣椒 , 樹薯澱粉 , 綠豌豆 (1%) , 小麥粉 , 咖哩葉 , 黑胡椒 ,  乾薑粉 ,  糖 , 檸檬酸 , 月桂葉 , 丁香 , 芝蔴 , 馬芹 , 小豆蔻 ,  肉豆蔻 ,  阿魏  和  碳酸氫鈉.This item is included in buy 5 get 1 free offer. You can choose any 5 i..


Taka Tak Haldiram's 印度Taka Tak休閒點心 55 gm


成        份:碎米粒 (15%) ,  棕櫚油 , 碎玉米粒 ,  碎去皮黑鷹嘴豆  ,  辛香料及調味粉 (蕃茄粉 , 麥芽糊精 , 牛奶固型物 , 馬芹粉 ,  紅辣椒粉 ,  洋蔥粉 , 芒果粉 ,  蒜粉 ,  胡荽粉 ,丁香粉 ,  酵母抽出物 ,   乾薑粉 ,  黑胡椒 ,  肉桂 , 月桂葉 , 肉荳蔻) , 糖 , 碘鹽 (鹽   碘化鉀) ,  黑鹽 (岩鹽) ,  檸檬酸  和  醋酸.This it..


Tasty Nuts Haldiram's 印度可口花生休閒點心 150 gm


成        份:花生 , 棕櫚油 , 去皮黑鷹嘴豆粉 , 玉米澱粉 ,  碘鹽 (鹽 碘化鉀) ,  紅辣椒 ,  檸檬酸 ,  薑黃 , 黑鹽(岩鹽) ,  黑胡椒 ,  乾薑粉 , 小豆蔻 ,  馬芹 ,  肉桂 , 丁香 , 月桂葉 , 肉豆蔻  ,  阿魏.This item is included in buy 5 get 1 free offer. You can choose any 5 in these categories (Indian Snacks) which ha..

Out Of Stock

Three In One Bikaji's 印度三合一休閒點心 200 gm


成        份:菜豆粉 , 植物油 (花生油 , 軟質棕櫚油 , 玉米油) ,  澱粉 , 碘鹽 (鹽 碘化鉀) , 紅辣椒岩鹽 (黑鹽) ,  黑胡椒 , 檸檬酸 , 芒果粉 , 丁香 , 小豆蔻  , 乾薑  , 肉荳蔻乾皮 , 肉荳蔻  , 阿魏粉 , 芫荽 , 肉桂  , 馬芹 , 大茴香 , 薑黃 , 印度藏茴香 .This item is included in buy 5 get 1 free offer. You can choose any 5 in this categories (Indian Snacks) which have ..


Tomato Salsa Potato Chips Bikaji's 印度洋芋片 (番茄莎莎口味) 40 gm


成        份:馬鈴薯(58%) , 植物油 (軟質棕櫚油 , 棉仔油 ) , 香辛調味料 : (番茄粉 , 糖 , 碘鹽 (鹽 碘化鉀) , 紅辣椒粉 , 蒜粉 , 洋蔥粉 , 辣椒紅素 , 麥芽糊精 , 檸檬酸 , 二氧化矽 .This item is included in buy 5 get 1 free offer. You can choose any 5 in this categories (Indian Snacks) which have this offer. For the free items please mention in the customer remark column wh..


Yellow Banana Chips 印度香蕉脆片休閒點心 150 gm


成        份:香蕉 , 棕櫚油 , 碘鹽 (鹽 , 碘化鉀).This item is included in buy 5 get 1 free offer. You can choose any 5 in this categories (Indian Snacks) which have this offer. For the free items please mention in the customer remark column when checking out.P.S. If 1 or more items is of higher value the items free will be of..


Yellow Chana Nature Bites 印度黑雞豆休閒點心 200 gm


This item is included in buy 5 get 1 free offer. You can choose any 5 in this categories (Indian Snacks) which have this offer. For the free items please mention in the customer remark column when checking out.P.S. If 1 or more items is of higher value the items free will be of low value.此產品 已含同系列 (印度休閒點心) 的產品 , 有買5包送 ..

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