Alu Mutter MTR 印度馬鈴薯+豌豆即食調理包 300 gm
成 份:水 豌豆 (24%) , 馬鈴薯(16%) , 蕃茄 , 洋蔥 , 葵花油 , 芫荽 , 鹽 , 薑 , 腰果 , 酥油(奶油) , 芫荽葉 , 大蒜 , 紅辣椒 , 薑黃 , 混合辛香料: (馬芹 , 丁香 , 胡椒).This item is included in buy 5 get 1 free offer. You can choose any 5 in this categories (Ready To Eat) which have this offer. For the free items please mention in the customer remark..
Methi Mutter Malai Mothers 印度奶香綠豌豆即食調理包 300 gm
成 份:水 , 綠豌豆 , 新鮮胡蘆巴葉 , 鮮奶油(牛奶) , 蔗糖 , 脫脂奶粉(牛奶) , 玉米澱粉 , 洋蔥 , 棉籽油 , 鹽 , 腰果 , 甜瓜子 ,綠辣椒 , 薑 , 大蒜 和 香辛料: (薑黃 ,馬芹 , 芫荽 , 小豆蔻 , 肉桂(桂皮) ).This item is included in buy 5 get 1 free offer. You can choose any 5 in these categories (Ready To Eat) which have this offer. For the free items please mention in the ..
Mutter Paneer MTR 印度豌豆奶酪即食調理包 300 gm
成 份:洋蔥(23%) 水 綠豌豆 (19%) 奶酪: (乳固體 檸檬酸) 牛奶 葵花油 蕃茄泥 (蕃茄 水) 辛香料:(馬芹 薑黃 胡椒) 鹽 糖 腰果 薑 綠辣椒 紅辣椒粉 大蒜 薑黃粉 乾葫蘆巴葉This ite..