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Pudina Treat Potato Chips Bikaji's 印度洋芋片 (薄荷香料口味 ) 40 gm


成        份:馬鈴薯(58%) , 植物油 (軟質棕櫚油 , 棉仔油 ) , 薄荷葉抽出物 , 香辛調味料 : (碘鹽 (鹽 碘化鉀) , 蒜粉 , 洋蔥粉 ,芫荽 , 肉桂 , 薑黃 , 岩鹽 (黑鹽) , 紅辣椒粉 ,茴香子 , 黑胡椒 , 印度藏茴香 , 胡蘆巴 , 乾薑  ,小豆蔻 , 丁香 , 芥末子 , 肉荳蔻 , 肉荳蔻乾皮 ,葡萄糖 , 麥芽糊精 , 澱粉 , 檸檬酸 .This item is included in buy 5 get 1 free offer. You can choose any 5 in this categories (Indian Snacks) which..

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Salted Boondi Charliee's 印度雞豆球休閒點心 180 gm


成        份:去皮黑鷹嘴豆粉(45%) , 植物油 (軟質棕櫚油 , 棉仔油 ) , 樹薯澱粉 , 米粉 .This item is included in buy 5 get 1 free offer. You can choose any 5 in this categories (Indian Snacks) which have this offer. For the free items please mention in the customer remark column when checking ..

Out Of Stock

Shahi Mixture Bikaji's 印度貴族綜合休閒點心 200 gm


成        份:植物油 (軟質棕櫚油 , 棉仔油 ) ,綠豆仁  ,  腰果 (5%) , 杏仁(5%) , 黃瓜子 ,去皮黑鷹嘴豆粉  ,  馬鈴薯片 , 香辛調味料  : [碘鹽 (鹽 碘化鉀) ,  乾薑  , 黑胡椒 , 小豆蔻  , 丁香  , 菠菜粉 , 肉荳蔻  , 岩鹽 (黑鹽) , 肉桂  , 乾芒果  , 檸檬酸  , 阿魏粉 ]This item is included in buy 5 get 1 free offer. You can choose an..


Softy Chakli CHARLIEE 印度圈餅休閒點心 200 gm


成份:全麥粉, 軟質棕櫚油, 黑吉豆粉, 去皮黑鷹嘴豆粉, 米粉, 碘鹽 (鹽, 碘化鉀), 克什米爾紅椒粉, 藏茴香, 馬芹.This item is included in buy 5 get 1 free offer. You can choose any 5 in this categories (Indian Snacks) which have this offer. For the free items please mention in the customer remark column when checking out.P.S. If 1 or more items is of higher value the items free will be of low ..


Til (Sesame) Laddu Charliee 印度芝麻球糖 200gm


成        份:芝麻 , 蔗糖 , 糖 , 葡萄糖 .                               ..

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Tomato Salsa Potato Chips Bikaji's 印度洋芋片 (番茄莎莎口味) 40 gm


成        份:馬鈴薯(58%) , 植物油 (軟質棕櫚油 , 棉仔油 ) , 香辛調味料 : (番茄粉 , 糖 , 碘鹽 (鹽 碘化鉀) , 紅辣椒粉 , 蒜粉 , 洋蔥粉 , 辣椒紅素 , 麥芽糊精 , 檸檬酸 , 二氧化矽 .This item is included in buy 5 get 1 free offer. You can choose any 5 in this categories (Indian Snacks) which have this offer. For the free items please mention in the customer remark column wh..

Showing 31 to 36 of 36 (3 Pages)